There is a solution available

For those people who have missing teeth, there is a long term solution available to ensure that their smiles remain fully functional so that patients can enjoy their lives to the fullest. This particular treatment, known as dental implants Harley Street, has changed the lives of many, all with very diverse complaints.

Whether it be a single missing tooth or an entire arch that needs to be replaced, this treatment is a solution for everyone. There is no upper age limit, although viable individuals for this treatment do need to be relatively fit and healthy in order to undergo the minor surgical procedure.

It is important that the patient who is looking to have this treatment is an adult; someone who has finished developing and their bones have fully grown as the treatment is a permanent one and needs to be inserted into the jaw bone that has stopped growing. Although some dentists may offer an implant treatment for younger patients, this is a rarity and would need to be discussed with a professional should it go ahead.

What are the risks of this treatment?

Many oral health care professionals will simply sing all the praises for this treatment because frankly, there are many. The treatment has an extremely high success rate, it is long lasting, comfortable and works for many different situations.

There are a few risks however, as there is with any treatment and they need to be discussed with a patient in order for them to be fully informed before embarking on this option as a solution to their missing teeth.

Although it is a minor surgical procedure, there is always a risk of infection which can have devastating consequences if not picked up quickly and dealt with. There are also concerns of nerve damage due to the implant not being placed in the right position or it moving during healing.

Thankfully, a lot of systems are put in place to minimise these risks, namely due to the strong technological influence that dentists can benefit from. Placement of the implant is digitally designed to ensure maximum comfort and minimal healing time.

Healing time does range from 2 to 6 months, depending on the individual and the amount and location of the implant site. Only once the replacement tooth has completely healed and the patient can use their new tooth or teeth just like their own is the treatment deemed a success.

What are the other options?

Cost can be a huge factor for many people and understandably, the upfront payment of implants can be off putting for some. People do need to keep in mind that this treatment lasts for the rest of their life, so over time can be more cost effective than other treatments, especially when payment can be easily spread out to minimise the impact.

Should other factors come into play as well, such as poor health, then dentures and bridges do remain very popular tooth replacement options. Dentists are more willing to see their patients replace missing teeth in whatever way is best for them rather than avoiding the situation entirely.