A guide to voice searching and marketing your dental surgery

It is common for those who are running a dental surgery website to notice that they’re missing out on website traffic. Why? Because those who are searching are not doing so in the way that the dental surgery thinks they should be. Plus, if their website is not functioning the way it needs to with fast loading and an overall solid performance, then they are missing out on potential customers. If this has occurred then dental businesses can look into something like F5’s load balancer software which can control internet traffic providing a better performing website. However, this may not always be the case, and other avenues will need to be look into which we will be discussing today.

In 2022, more people than ever before are using the voice search function on their smartphones and devices. Indeed, if you have ever been out and about or have been sitting in a coffee shop, you may have heard somebody say the words ‘hey Siri’ and then ask a question. If your dental surgery website is not optimized for voice searches, this could be  why you are losing out on website traffic.

But don’t worry, this isn’t as complicated as it seems, and any dental marketing team that you have or are looking to hire will be able to help you with this process. This will attract more people to your dental surgery website and help with surgery growth overall too.

So, here is a very brief guide to voice searches and why they are so important for marketing.

What are voice searches?

Voice search is simply a way of looking online via speech. This is done using artificial intelligence, and a device such as a smartphone is able to recognize your voice and input the query into a search engine like Google. Today, voice searching is everywhere, and it has been estimated that almost 40% of those in the United States use voice searching, which shows how much a website stands to lose if they are not optimized for this process.

Search engines

However, marketing is a bit more than just voice searching and relates to the position of your website on search engine results pages. You may be puzzled about whether or not there are links between having a website that is optimized for voice searches and SEO results. If you want to get onto the front page of a search engine result, you’ll be glad to know that Google, Bing and Safari are all optimized using voice searches, so you will not be losing out on traffic and will actually be gaining more to your website.

SEO and voice searches

Much like traditional searching via the internet, voice searches are linked to search engine optimization via keywords. The AI behind voice searches has improved, and now the core focus of SEO relating to voice searches is not so much about the keywords themselves but also about the user experience. So, you can also improve the experiences of those visiting your website using this method.

How to optimize for voice searches

There are many ways that you can optimize your website for voice searches, but you should aim to seek the help of a marketing team to do so. One of the most popular options is to have conversational content on your website to match questions that are likely to be asked when a dental patient is searching for a service, such as ‘is there a dental surgery near me that offers dental implants?’ That way, you are more likely to be ranked and get the attention of those searching for dental services.