A permanent solution to your missing teeth

Dental implants at Northern Beaches Dental in Mackay are fast becoming a popular means for people to regain their natural smile and feel great about how their smile looks again. The functionality and appearance of this procedure looks and feels just like natural teeth.

They are also a permanent surgical option which means that if cared for correctly, there is no reason as to why they will not last the patient a lifetime, giving them a sense of freedom that is otherwise hard to have with other restorative procedures available.

In cases where a tooth is decayed, worn out, chipped, or cracked, opting for a dental implant might not be the necessary solution. Dentists may instead choose to fit a crown on top of the damaged tooth, to restore it to its natural appearance. This approach may also work in various other scenarios. Exploring “dental crown midlothian” or a similar term can provide a deeper understanding of this procedure.

Crowns can also be used in conjunction with implants, to cover up the implant and make it resemble the rest of the teeth in colour and shape. This method is common in many dental restorative procedures.

A dentist in Mackay will talk to their patients and advise them as to whether they are suitable for this treatment. There are many different methods that can work for different people and with no upper age limit, it is a great option for anyone who is looking to gain freedom with what they can eat and how they can laugh and smile amongst others.

Patients should be in a healthy condition however and even if old age is considered a potential risk for implant failure, it is more the impact of some diseases that can present itself with old age, such as diabetes and osteoporosis which have negative effects on the implant integration. If a patient has any underlying health condition, they should divulge this to their dental health care practitioner s that together they can establish whether the treatment will be a suitable option for them.

How does it work?

A surgical procedure is involved where a small titanium screw is inserted into the jaw bone. Over the course of 3 to 6 months, the jaw bone fuses with the screw in a process called osseointegration. This is a key factor that explains why this treatment is so successful in the vast majority of cases.

The titanium screw itself becomes a part of the jaw and acts just like the original tooth root once did. The stimulation that this provides the jaw means that the natural recession that occurs when a tooth has been removed does not exist; the jaw bone remains strong and healthy even as a patient ages.

Depending on the situation, a crown or bridge can be placed on the implant immediately or there is a need for the site to heal before this step can take place. It’s really best to let a qualified Olney dentist or a similar professional take a look and then decide on the next step. Whatever the situation ends up being, once the crown or bridge has been placed onto the abutment and the site has healed and is comfortable to touch and use, then the implant and false tooth can be used just like a regular tooth.

The functionality and the appearance of the finalised result will be remarkably the same as a natural tooth. This is another reason why this procedure is such a great success for all patients. With an increase in technology, digital scans can pinpoint the precise location where the implant should be located, minimising healing time an increasing comfort as well.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.