Although life-changing, many people remain undecided about dental implants Hertfordshire because the process can seem quite daunting and drawn out.
This article will explain the finer details to help you make an informed choice about implants. With an arsenal of information in your possession, you’ll find it easier to go forward with this replacement device despite your anxieties, fears, or reservations.
What is an implant?
Simply put, an implant is a metal screw or cylinder that acts as the substitute root to your new crown.
The metal post is slipped inside a socket that’s drilled into a precise location to replace your absent tooth.
Why is titanium used?
Titanium comprises biodegradable materials that are impervious to decay. It’s also highly durable and long-lasting.
At the same time, this premium metal consists of unique compounds that the body identifies as tissue rather than foreign objects that it does not recognise in a biological process referred to as osseointegration.
What does an implant do?
As previously mentioned, the implant is a substitute root, which means it will perform the functions of a natural tooth. Although they form a stable foundation for your replacement tooth, they also provide another critical role, which is to preserve remaining bone by providing it with stimulation, a job previously performed by your natural pearly whites.
Without implants in place, significant bone loss becomes an inevitable reality. This, in turn, leads to your jaw bone receding and facial structure changing.
Who is suitable for implants?
Healthy gums and sufficient bone density are prerequisites for having implants fitted. Fortunately, there are additional procedures for you to undergo, such as root scaling and planing to repair diseased gums or bone grafts if you don’t possess enough jawbone.
A trained and experienced implant dentist will determine your suitability with an evaluation where you’ll undergo a series of diagnostics, such as X Rays.

What should I expect with an implant placement?
On the day of your surgical procedure, you’ll need to brush your teeth to ensure your mouth is clean and sterile.
Before making a small incision at the implantation site, your dental practitioner will administer anaesthesia which ensures that you feel minimal pain during the procedure. Once the implant is secured in place, the incision is closed using disposable sutures.
Aftercare: what to expect and handy tips for healing
Don’t be alarmed if you experience mouth swelling, bruising or bleeding; these are expected side effects to a dental implant recovering normally. All of these will heal naturally after a couple of days.
While your new tooth piece heals, you should watch what you eat by sticking to soft food and avoiding food and beverages that are hot or cold. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
Advantages you can look forward
After a successful implant, you’ll find your daily life restored to what it once was. These include:
- Implants that look and function like regular teeth – soon you won’t be able to differentiate between real and artificial pearly whites.
- Thanks to osseointegration taking place, the implant is firmly lodged into position and won’t slip out.
- The confidence to smile and eat the food you enjoy without concern about this might impact your dental implant.