SAT in the UK

For many people in the UK, the prospect of studying abroad in the US can be extremely exciting and can provide a lifetime of opportunities. However, there are several steps that need to take place in order to successfully study at a top US university. One of the main hurdles is the SAT. Students should plan to take this exam at least twice to secure   high enough marks to meet the benchmarks for a particular university. To do this, it would be sensible to look for SAT Tutoring in London.

Can I Sit the SAT or ACT at Any Time?

Both exams have multiple international testing dates each year, so there is flexibility as to when you can sit the exam. However, with entry dates, moving abroad, and the fact that lots of preparation is needed, it is advised that you sit the SAT or ACT in spring of your 12th year to make sure you have an opportunity to re-sit as needed. This requires preparation at least 6 months in advance.

How is the ACT Different?

This is a common question, as many people are confused as to why there are two exams instead of one, especially considering both are of the same standard, and carry the same weight. The ACT is extremely similar to the SAT, but was introduced afterwards in 1959 to align with content in US high school classrooms. However, the tests have both changed since their inception, and have now become very similar. They have different sections that require unique skill sets, but each one will require the same amount of preparation.

I Still Don’t Know Which One to Pick!

If you are unsure which to pick, you should work with a tutor through diagnostic testing to determine which one is right for you. At A-List, we offer free diagnostic testing in our offices based in Kensington. Picking the right test for you can help you prepare strategically and ensure there is time for other parts of the US application. 

Which do Students Perform Better in, the SAT or ACT?

Unfortunately, no test is considered harder or easier than the other, and objectively speaking, they are equal, with students performing equally well in both. It has been noted that the styles of the exams are what separates them, which may be a factor in determining a student’s success in one exam as compared to the other.

If you are unsure which test you would like to sit, we advise meeting with one of the A-List US university advisors and scheduling a diagnostic test. By speaking directly with a  US university specialist, you can make a thoughtful and informed decision about which test is right for you.