What are dental implants and why may an individual choose to receive dental implants Navan?

Dental implants are essentially small titanium screws that are inserted within the jaw, dental implants Navan consist of three components. The first part of the dental implant is the base. The base of the dental implant is a titanium screw (typically less than one centimeter long). The base of the dental implant could be argued as the most important aspect of the dental fixture, as it supports the two other components of a prosthetic tooth. The base of the dental implant is also known as the fixture or the artificial anchor.

The connector, also commonly referred to as the abutment, connects the base and the porcelain crown together. The connector is also referred to as the post. The porcelain crown is the ‘tooth looking’ aspect of the dental implant and this needs to be the most aesthetically pleasing part of the dental implant, aiming to fit with the shape and shade of surrounding teeth in the patient’s mouth.

Are the porcelain crowns recognisably different from the rest of the teeth?

The porcelain crown is the aspect of the dental implant Navan that individuals may be more commonly aware of, as this is the part that resides amongst the surrounding teeth. The porcelain crowns are custom made to match each individual’s teeth, the shade and the shape is made especially to match the patient’s natural teeth. Porcelain crowns are aimed to look as natural as possible, and should not look obviously different within the mouth. Porcelain crowns are extremely strong and can be looked after in the same way as natural teeth.

Do dental implants require extra dental hygiene care?

Many individuals may believe that dental implants require an extensive aftercare regime, however this is not actually the case. After the implants are fully healed, dental implants can be looked after in the same way as normal teeth. Extra dental hygiene measures may not necessarily have to be taken and normal hygiene routines can be continued (such as regular brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash after an initial period). This means that people can just continue to brush their teeth as normal once they’ve had these dentist implants fitted.

How long do dental implants take to heal?

Although it is important to remember that every individual’s healing time may vary, depending on the severity of the case, and the number of implants inserted, but individuals should consult their dentist if dental discomfort or pain does not subside within five to seven days. If you can find a local dentist that offers the implant treatment, that would be ideal. For example if you live in Colorado, search for a dentist that does Dental Implants in Englewood, Colorado.

The time for dental implants to heal fully may be between three to six months (based on the extent of the individual case).

Are there precautions individuals have to take during the healing time?

During the dental implant healing process individuals may be advised to avoid cold or hot foods, as well as avoid using mouthwash. Patients are advised to consume extremely soft foods or liquids such as soup in order to avoid discomfort.

What if individuals feel nervous about undergoing dental implants?

Individuals may feel nervous about undergoing a dental treatment due to a negative childhood experience which can lead to the development of an irrational fear of a dental environment (also commonly referred to as a phobia). People may feel nervous about undergoing dental implants due to the level of discomfort they might experience, however dental clinics have many methods at their disposal both to mitigate discomfort during procedures and to help patients to relax. If you are in need of dental implants glendale can make sure you feel comfortable as well as help with any concerns or queries you might have about the procedure.